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CareTracker Report Filter Selections

Following is a list of the report filter selections in CareTracker.  Not all filters are available in all reports.

Report Order - This is the sort order of the report.  Click the down arrow to the right of the selection to see the available report sort orders, then choose the sort that is appropriate for the report you are running.  For example, use Resident Last Name order to display the report alphabetically by Resident Last Name.

Resident - This selection filters by Resident Last Name. Click the icon to the right of the Resident filter to see all Residents available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Resident for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple residents.  Default setting is ALL.

Resident Id – This selection filters by Resident Id. Click the icon to the right of the Resident filter to see all Resident Id’s available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Resident Id for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple residents.  Default setting is ALL.

Resident Category - This selection filters by Resident Category. Click the icon to the right of the Resident Category filter to see all Resident Categories available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Resident Category for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple categories.  Default setting is ALL.

Resident Location - This selection filters by Resident Location. Click the icon to the right of the Resident Location filter to see all Resident Locations available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Resident Location for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple resident locations.  Default setting is ALL.

Resident Room - This selection filters by Resident Room. Click the icon to the right of the Resident Room filter to see all Resident Rooms available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Resident Room for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple resident rooms.  Default setting is ALL.

Resident Assessment Group - To filter by Resident Assessment Group, click the icon to the right of the Resident Assessment Group filter to see all Assessment Groups available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Resident Assessment Group for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple assessment groups.  Default setting is ALL.

Resident Status -  To filter by Resident Status, click the icon to the right of the Resident Status filter to see all Resident Status available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Resident Status for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple resident status.  Default setting is ALL.   Note: if Resident Status filter is used on a report, and no other date filters are available on that report (i.e., Observe Date or Schedule Date filters), the Resident Status Date filter must also be activated.

Resident Status Date - Use the Resident Status Date selection filter to choose a specific resident status date range to be included in the report.  Options vary from "Last # of Hours" to "Last # of Shifts" in addition to adding custom date range.

Staff - This selection filters by Staff Last Name. Click the icon to the right of the Staff filter to see all Staff members available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Staff for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple staff members.  Default setting is ALL.

Staff Category - To filter by Staff Category, click the icon to the right of the Staff Category filter to see all Staff Categories available for selection.  Choose the appropriate Staff Category for this report.  Hold the Control Key to choose multiple categories.  Default setting is ALL.

Observe Date - This field references the date and time an assessment was entered into the CareTracker system.  Use the Observe Date selection filter to choose a specific date range to be included in the report.  Options vary from "Last # of Hours" to "Last # of Shifts" in addition to adding custom date range.

Choose CUSTOM to add a specific date range.

When you choose Custom from the Assessment Date selection drop down list, a calendar similar to the one pictured above will appear.  Choose a starting and ending date by clicking a day on the calendar.  The date range will become highlighted.

You may also choose a date, then click on the "Select 7, 14, 30, 60 90 days from end date" to select a date range of 7, 14, 30, 60, or 90 days prior to the end date selected on the calendar.  The default time when you access the custom calendar is 12:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M.  However, you can change these times as desired.  Then when you choose a date range, for example, 14 days from end date, the selected times will remain.  

Active Schedule Date - When running scheduling reports, the active schedule date filter is available.  This is the date the observations are scheduled, not when they were actually performed. Choose from the calendars provided the desired active schedule date range to be included in the report.

Series Category - Series category selection filter will select specific categories, i.e., ADL's, or Behavior categories.

Series Reference - Choosing this field allows you to select specific series to use within a report.  You will select by series Reference Id.  For example, to see only information for Bed Mobility, use the Series Reference selection filter.

Question Reference - This field references all questions within the CareTracker system.  It allows you to select any question or group of questions to use in a report.  Default selection is ALL questions.

Choice Reference - This field references the choices selected when a staff member has entered an observation.  This is useful when creating a report to show only those residents with certain choices selected.  Default selection is ALL choices.

Hide Calculations - This filter is available on Observation reports. Marking the Hide Calculations check box will hide the graph weights for each observation, the total, and the averages of the graph weights. The only calculation that will show is the total number of observations per series, resident, etc.

Show Notes - Mark the Show Notes check box on select reports to display free form long text choices.

Summarize - Mark the Summarize check box to see a summary version (totals only/no detail) of this report.

Break After Each Resident - Mark this check box if you want the report to print a separate page for each resident.

Show Header - To display pre-established header text on a report, mark the checkbox Show Header.  By default, the Show Header check box is not marked on any report.  Header text is maintained on the Company Maintenance window.

Show Footer - To display pre-established footer text on a report, mark the checkbox Show Footer.  By default, the Show Footer check box is not marked on any report.  Footer text is maintained on the Company Maintenance window.

Show Report Selections - Mark this check box if you want a separate page to print at the end of the report that shows the report filter selections that were used when running the report.

Show Discharged Residents - Mark this check box if you want this report to include all discharged residents within the report.

Destination - Choose from the destination drop down list Screen, Printer, Email or XML file.

Screen - Report is displayed on the computer screen in PDF file format

Printer - A hard copy is generated to the report designated in facility information

Email - An email notification is sent to the user when the report is sent to be process.  Another email is sent to the user when the report completes.  The second email has the report attached in PDF format.   If the report generates an error, an email will be sent to the user to alert them of the problem.

XML file - This selection will generate a file in XML format.  When the report has completed, a prompt will appear indicating where the XML file is located and the file name.