When kiosks are down and/or observations are missed in 'real-time' during the designated observation period for any reason, they may be more conveniently corrected from the kiosk view accessed from the management application. A manager and/or supervisor must be available to log into the management application to perform this function. This function will create entries that are labeled as "corrected entries" and will appear on the "observation correction" report since they were entered after-the-fact (late). Compliance reports will show them as completed when entered in this manner.
When entering "Late Entry" mode, the system will prompt the user for an effective time & date. The system will then use this time and date to stamp observations and appears at the top of the resident selection screen as a reminder that a 'false' date has been entered. (The system limits the time allowed to 'go back' based on a system set-up parameter in order to limit the length of time that can pass for missed observations). A reason code explanation must also be entered for audit purposes (this explanation appears on corrected observation reports). Observations that were scheduled, but completed at some time will NOT be yellow highlighted. The effective time and date is used to light lights at the designated moment in time (unless they were completed). The system will then also prompt for a staff person. This staff person will appear on the transaction. The transaction will also show the management application login username.
Delayed entry mode is especially useful to help recover lost observations and/or assist care givers to help recollect observations required during a period when observations were missed and/or unavailable.
The ability to see/use this feature is available on a facility by facility instance and a checkbox is available on the Facility Information screen. The same Facility Information screen will provide a selection that controls the available dates that can be used on the late entry kiosk. (Example: they may only be allowed to backdate 3 days.)