You are here: CareTracker Help > ChargeTracker > Setup Information > Resident Location Information

Resident Location Information

To Access Resident Location Information

  1. From the ChargeTracker Main Menu window, choose Setup Information.
  2. From the ChargeTracker Setup window, choose Resident Setup Information.  Click the Resident Location tab.

Existing resident locations will be displayed.  

To Add a New Resident Location

  1. In Resident Setup Information, on the Resident Location tab, click the Add Resident Location button.  The Resident Location window will appear.

  1. Click the down arrow to the right of the Facility Name field to choose your facility.
  2. Type in the new Resident Location name in the Resident Location field.
  3. Click Save. To add multiple locations, click the "Save and Add Another" button.  Click Cancel to exit the window without saving changes.

To Edit a Resident Location

  1. To change Resident Location, highlight the existing text then type in the new Location name.
  2. Click the Save button to save changes.  Click Cancel to exit without saving changes.

To Delete a Resident Location

Only Locations that are not in use may be deleted.

  1. From the ChargeTracker Main Menu window, choose Setup Information.
  2. From the ChargeTracker Setup window, choose Resident Setup Information.
  3. From the Resident Setup Information window, click the Resident Location tab.
  4. Double click the Resident Location you wish to remove.
  5. From the Resident Location window, click the Delete button.