You are here: CareTracker Help > Administration > Manage Report Queue > Manage Report Queue

Manage Report Queue

This window shows the recently run reports, indicating the person who ran the report, and other pertinent information. Reports in process will be highlighted in green. Reports that have generated an error will be highlighted in red.  A report that has been cancelled will be "grayed out."
Cancel Reports

Reports can be cancelled from the Report Queue Maintenance Screen. In order to cancel reports a report must be "Queued" or "Processing".  If a report is Queued or Processing, the Administrator can check the box for that particular line and click on the "Cancel Selected Reports" link.  If they answer yes, it will cancel the reports.  It will only cancel the report if it has not been completed or generated an error since an administrator canceled the report.  In other words if the report finished before an administrator updated the queue, then it will remain completed.  If a report is canceled by an administrator and a user is looking at the gears, then they will see a page that says:

The report you requested has been canceled by an Administrator. Please contact your Resource CareTracker Administrator for more information.